Managing business models based on analysis of the marketplace: the case of the beef meat industry

Palabras clave

vertical integration
horizontal integration
geographic scope

Cómo citar

Vargas del Ángel, M. Ángel, Santoyo Cortés, V. H., & Muñoz Rodríguez, M. (2021). Managing business models based on analysis of the marketplace: the case of the beef meat industry. TRANSITARE, 6(1), 20–44. Recuperado a partir de


This case characterizes business models and dominant actors involved in the beef value network, based on the components and trends that best illustrates the market environment in which they operate, to identify the key factors that allow Mexican companies to compete in this market. International beef trade is dominated by companies whose business models leads towards a more vertical integration of the supply chain, a horizontal integration to expand production capacity, geographic market expansion and diversification of its supply. Based on this, Mexican companies desiring to remain competitive in the international market must implement innovative strategies in diversifying their supply, geographical reaches and horizontal integration to expand production capacity through acquisitions and fusions, which requires more financial commitments.



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